It's actually good that I don't have a camera around today because if I did, I would scare the stink out of you...being a Mommy? Well, it's not always pretty. If I had my camera and took pictures of our day you would see:
-Scarlett in my bed because she has a nasty cough and a 102*fever
-Scarlett wiping her faucet of a nose on my comforter
-Me, not showering (let's be totally honest, I don't think I even put on deoderant today)
-Clark, playing with a baggie of rubber bands so that I could play on the computer
-Clark (still in his pajamas) walking around with a mini twix bar in his mouth...wrapper and all
-Me, eating that twix. Sure, it's slobbery, but honestly...we've shared more germs than this, and I can't bear to see the chocolate going to waste
I'm sure there's more, but at the moment I'm drawing a blank. Plus, I don't want to totally scare off my three faithful readers.
Here's hoping your day was filled with clean hair, fresh makeup, and well children!