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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kinder graduate!

first day
last day

I cannot believe the year is over. My sweet girl has changed so much this year! She's lost teeth, grown inches, made new friends, and learned, learned, learned. I am so proud of the little lady she's becoming. She certainly doesn't look like my baby anymore! I am thankful that her little Christian school guarded her heart and mind while she was away from me and I am so happy that we were blessed to be there!

 Graduation night

Scarlett's sweet class

Scarlett's favorites this year:
teacher: Mrs. Linscomb :)
food: pizza
day: Wednesday (chapel day)
friend: Regan and Beck
memory: Children's Museum Field Trip

Monday, May 16, 2011

We've been a bit busy

Well, I know it's been a while since I've given any attention to this old blog...but I have good reason. We MOVED!! It's another story for another day that was months and months in the making. But, until I get around to posting about the big move, I need to catch up on a few other posts. 

A couple of weeks ago (I think...I've sort of lost track of time), Mom and Dad had us over for a "grown ups only" dinner. At an auction for the kids school earlier in the year my parents bid and won a dinner party for 8 with one of the Central Market chefs. He came to the house and cooked a delicious meal, and my mouth is watering just thinking about it again!

The yummy hors d'oeuvres.

I seriously could have been happy just eating this for dinner!

These shrimp were amazeballs!!!

Happy for a night out!

Happy for great food!

The salad was in a bowl of something...can't remember what it was called, but it was cheesy goodness.

Somehow I skipped the main course pictures. I was probably too busy stuffing my face! This desert was a strawberry mousse and it did not disappoint! 

The whole evening was tons of fun, not only because of the food, but because I really love spending time with my family. We are so blessed!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter fun

We had a super busy but super fun Easter weekend. I'll let the pictures do most of the talking, but Friday we went out to Brody's parents house. They had my whole family and some other friends out there. The kids had a ball! 

I made these chocolate covered peeps 

 before the egg hunt

Clark was so worn out. He NEVER falls asleep in the car!

Saturday was spent recovering at home and getting ready for the Easter bunny

Sunday morning looking at goodies

before church

We had a delicious lunch at my parents house. I brought these cookies.

Maegan made these darling and delicious cupcakes!!

egg hunt at my parents house

pictures with the bunny at church

Whew!! Lots of fun, but I was worn out!!