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Friday, March 20, 2009

Making Memories

I'm feeling nostalgic lately. Maybe it's because my sweet friend Jenn just had her precious baby Annie. Or maybe it's because of Vicki, whose girls are just a few years older than Scarlett and I realize we will be in the midst of sports and sleepovers and activities in no time.'s hormones. Who knows. What I do know, is that I want to remember today. We didn't really do anything all that special. We met Brody for a picnic lunch and then spent the afternoon playing outside enjoying this beautiful day. 
I'm not a photographer by any stretch of the imagination. I sometimes think it would be nice if I had better pictures to go along with these posts, but I've come to the realization that the kids won't care about the quality of the picture, they will only care that I took pictures. So, today, while Brody was working late I let the kids eat outside. 

Yes, we had frozen waffles on paper plates. (did you catch the part about Brody working late?) Yes, there is a random dust pan under the table. No, it's not going to win a photography award.'s a memory. On the first day of Spring, we ate frozen waffles for dinner...

the kids played well together in Clark's room while I picked up a little... 

and then, when Clark went down, Scarlett and I had a fun game of Go Fish. It may not sound exciting to you, but I think it was pretty close to the perfect day. 

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Birthday Booty

DON'T PANIC! You are not about to see the damage birthday cake did to my rear. I just watched Pirates of the Caribbean (again) and apparently feel a bit like a pirate myself...ahoy matey.
Anyway, I had a nice little birthday and thought I'd show off my goodies:

Mom got me this cute purple jacket and darling yellow scarf. I'm feeling very bright and cheery as Spring approaches! Also...if you can see it, I bought myself the fun yellow ring I'm wearing. (Brody and I don't really do b-day gifts, but he did watch the kids Saturday so I could shop for myself.)
Mom also got me this yellow purse. I love it! Jordan and Maegan gave me the Starbucks card. Nothing says Happy Birthday like a nice caramel macchiato. Jaime gave me a gift card to Home Goods which I am so excited about. She also made me these DARLING note cards. You have definitely got to check out her etsy store. Go. Now! And shop...she's very talented :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

I Think We're Back

After a trip to an after hours clinic, two visits to the Dr., and six hours at the hospital in only four days, I am thinking we are back to our happy, healthy selves. Let's hope I didn't just jinx that! 
 What, Mommy? Making messes is what I do best!
I knew she was better the minute she started asking for the Easter gum :)
And me? Well, let's just say I have never been more happy to be home getting caught up on chores. And boy, were there a lot of them!
Ahhh, Spring Break. You're not what you used to be...but I love you anyway.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Day one of Spring Break...

...was not supposed to entail a 4 year old with the stomach bug
...or having to pin down your 19 month old at the hospital so that he could have an ultrasound done on one of his swollen boy parts

Now, I hear things come in threes. Please pray that in this case, things end in twos! I'm not sure I could take much more...and it's just MONDAY!! 

To end on a positive note:
*Scarlett's bug was minor in that she only "slobbered" twice and is now back to her happy self
*Because it is Spring Break, my mom was able to come over today to watch Scarlett when we took Clark to the dr.
*Clark was a champ while the dr. poked/prodded on his swollen "area"
* Brody was able to come with me to the appointment which was followed by the ultrasound/catheter at the hospital
* Clark only has an infection and it will not require surgery

I'm sure you can imagine why there are no pictures...hopefully we will be feeling photogenic again soon!
(and please, in 12 years, please don't ever bring this post up to Clark...he will never forgive me!)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


is just around the corner! I love when the weather turns warm...or in this case warmer,  (We never did have much of a winter) and the days get longer. Here's just a bit of what we've been up to:
LOTS of playing outside. As you can see from my shadow, I pretty much stand in between them and push, but Scarlett has figured out how to swing herself, so that's nice.
I just thought this was a cute picture. Clark loves his big sissy and likes doing everything she does.
I think he looks precious here, and I don't have tons of shots when he's by himself.
And this is just a little project I tried. We needed something in the bathroom with color, so I tried my hand at painting a canvas. It's super easy, and I don't think it looks great...but it's good enough that I didn't have to toss it. The hardest part is the lettering. I'm sure there's a secret (maybe stencils? I have no idea) but I had to free hand it...and you can pretty much tell. Oh well. :)
So these are  just some random things we've been up to. Have a great week!