If you want to make a more educated guess, here's how this pregnancy stacks up against mine with Scarlett:
-I had a little more morning sickness this time
-I might be carrying a little more out front - although I'm having a hard time remembering
how I looked with Scarlett
-I've gained about the same amount of weight
-I'm craving watermelon like I did with Scarlett
-I've had boy dreams and have felt like it's a boy...until this week. Now I'm thinking girl
-Brody is convinced it's a boy
So...let me have your guesses...is this a boy or a girl...and how big do you think he/she will be. Scarlett was 7lbs. 12oz. and was 20 in. long. I've also put my preggo pictures up...don't laugh, I know I'm huge...but some people like seeing the progress~
Wish me luck, and prayers, and a safe surgery for Thursday, and we'll post a pic of the new addition as soon as we can!
I think it is a girl, but if Brody thinks boy, then I think he is probably right. It seems like he has good instinct about those things...just can't wait to meet him or her!!! And I think about 7lb. 13oz.
well, he thought that Scarlett was a boy, so who knows...
You're so cute! I have no idea what it will be, but I think it would be neat if it was boy so you would have one of each. I look forward to finding out how things go.
Wow! the day is upon you! Congratulations again!
Thanks for your comment on my blog - Jose and I simply need a renewed sense of desire to get back on track with our attendance! Keep us in your prayers and you guys are definetly in ours!
Can't wait to meet the new O'Bryant!
I'm guessing a girl, 7 lb. 14oz and 21" long. Can't wait to meet him/her.
We'll be praying all will go well tomorrow as you bring the next baby O'Bryant into the world.
I was pretty convinced you were having a girl the first time. This time I really have no instincts. I thought boy for a while and I am wearing baby blue today. However, I will guess girl and 8 lbs 1 oz because that's what I was. So scientific, I know.
Girl or boy, we're excited for your entire family.
Thanks for commenting on myblog a few weeks back. You have a sweet precious family. I am thinking boy. Good luck with everything, may God bless your surgery and little one on its arrival!
I just read your blog to see if you were still scheduled for today. It was 2:25, and I read that you were scheduled for 2:30. Realizing that you were just a few minutes away made me a little nervous for you! You've been in my prayers...can't wait to find out what you have. My guess? another girl! 2 girls for you, 2 boys for Jaime.
7 lbs, 7 ounces
19 3/4 " long!
I say boy, 9 lbs! 21 inches long
congratulations on the little boy. he is cute cute cute! love the blonde hair. what a heart throb that will be.......
you look great and in the going home pic, you do not even look like you had a baby!!!!!
cannot wait to see you. i know we will be in sa sometime in sept. i will let you know so hopefully you will be there.
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